fysiko apu

Quick way to test a capacitor!!

TERNYATA INI WUJUD ASLI 1 ATOM #shorts #sains #semesta #davidnadlinger

Kenapa Arah Asap Bakaran Ngikutin Kita Terus?!

How small are atoms?

Demonstration of a Ruben's tube

How to use a Hydrometer

Orang ini menyerah vs semut 🔥 #science #education #physics @zackdfilms

Tornado Weather Science Toy 🌪️ 🌪️ 🌪️ #stem #science #toys #tornado #physics #weather

World's Simplest Electric Train

salah satu fungsi dioda #fungsidioda #apaitudioda #manfaatdioda

Piezoelectricity - why hitting crystals makes electricity

Gerbang Gaib Fisika #Shorts

Fire🔥 on Water 😱 | Science Experiment | #science #shorts #short #magic #trick | CQZ |

perbedaan tegangan ac dan dc #shorts #elektronik

Kenapa di Gunung Dingin, Padahal Lebih Deket Matahari?

ini dia gengs penemu korek api #shorts

Why Do Burnt Matchsticks Become Magnetic? #KeepLearning #Shorts

What is Color? Flame Challenge Winner 2014

MASALAH TERSULIT DI FISIKA #semesta #sains #shorts

Lighting a Match With Steam

The Real Reason Astronauts Need Heat Shields

PSW 2407 Understanding Dark Matter | Mariangela Lisanti

The Science Behind Hollywood Explosions